Broken or Crushed Foot Injury Compensation & Toe Injury Claims



Foot Injury and Toe Injury Compensation Calculator

Foot injury compensation claims are not uncommon.  The feet are integral to our mobility and independence and are prone to injury in workplace accidents, injury in sport and as a result of road traffic accidents.

There are 26 different bones in the foot making it one of the most complex skeletal structures in the body. The forefoot contains the five toes. The midfoot contains the arches of the foot, whilst the hindfoot forms the heel and ankle. There are many joints, muscles and soft tissues that give the foot flexibility to enable a person to stand upright, and perform activities like walking, running, and jumping. For this reason, any injury to the feet or toes can have an impact on a person’s daily routine since it is likely to result in a period of immobility and considerable time off work.

If you have sustained a foot or toe injury due to the carelessness or negligence of someone else, then you should contact one of Sheldon Davidson Solicitors’ personal injury solicitors for expert legal advice and assistance on making your foot injury compensation claim.

How Foot Injury or Toe Injury Compensation Could Help

Although compensation cannot rid you of your injuries it is designed to alleviate the stress and financial burden that often accompanies an injury as a result of time off work, an inability to return to the same work, or even an inability to work again.

Having your ability to earn a living taken away unexpectedly, as a result of someone else’s negligence can have an immediate and lasting impact, and compensation is designed to reimburse you in the first place for such losses.

Serious injuries which severely impact and alter your life can also cause major emotional trauma and can require specialist psychological treatment to help you re-adjust to a new normal and a new way of life. It can also assist with funding things including:

  • Day to day living costs whilst you are unable to work
  • Access rehabilitation outside the NHS, such as hydrotherapy, etc
  • Transport costs whilst you’re unable to drive
  • Mobility equipment and daily living aids- Wheelchairs, scooters, ramps etc
  • Access to medical expertise and treatment not available on the NHS

Below are some General Damages figures for foot and toe injuries. Please note that these figures are for the general damages only and do not incorporate any special damages as these are unique in every case.

Any financial compensation settlement is comprised of two types of damages:

General Damages: The sum awarded in recompense for the pain and suffering endured and the loss of amenity suffered. Factoring in the physical, emotional, and psychological damage caused by the foot or toe injury

Special Damages: Designed to restore you back to the financial position you were in prior to the injury. Will include historic and future loss of earnings, as well as historic injury-related costs already incurred and likely to be incurred in the future.

Toe Injury Claim & Foot Injury Claim Compensation Settlement Amounts

Compensation Guide

Foot Injuries

Amputation of or loss of both feet
£135,500 - £160,700

Amputation of or loss of one foot
£67,500 – £88,000

Severe injury to one or both feet with no chance of recovery
£33,000 - £55,000

Serious Permanent Injury to one foot
£20,000 - £31,300

Moderate foot injury such as broken metatarsal with permanent effects
£11,000 – £20,000

Minor foot injury with full recovery
Up to £11,000

Compensation Guide

Toe Injuries

Loss of all toes
£29,100 - £45,100

Loss of more than one toe
In the region of:

Toe Injury (Severe)
£11,500 - £17,500

Toe Injury (Serious)
£7,800 - £11,100

Toe Injury (Minor to Moderate)
Up to £7,700

Common Causes for Foot and Toe Injuries

  • Accidents at work - Could involve something heavy being dropped on the foot being injured by something like a forklift truck
  • Road Traffic Accidents - Feet often bear the brunt of any impact with the front of the vehicle
  • Slips and trips in public places - Such as on a slip on a wet floor or tripping on uneven paving slabs
  • Accidents that occur while playing sports - An intentional stamp with football or rugby boots
  • Falls from height - Awkward landings causing damage to the foot, feet, or toes

Types of Foot Injury

Some common types of injury to the feet or toes include, but are not limited to:

Acute Foot Injuries

Broken foot or toe - A broken foot is often extremely painful and will normally require the victim to wear a splint or cast. In the case of a broken toe, it’ll often be taped to a neighbouring toe

  • Fractures - Dependent on the severity, the victim may only need to wear a boot with a rigid sole
  • Sprained ankle - Normally an ankle support and prolonged rest will resolve the situation, but this can still require a lengthy period of time off work
  • Dislocated Ankle/Toes -
  • Broken Metatarsal - Synonymous with footballers, this involves breaking one of the five bones in the midfoot.
  • Lacerations - Can often involve the victim standing of something sharp, like broken glass around a swimming pool
  • Nerve Damage - Sometimes deep lacerations can cause nerve damage, causing complete or partial loss of function in the surrounding part of the foot.
  • Amputation - Where the injury is extremely severe, amputation of part or all of the foot or toe(s) may be required.

Overuse Foot Injuries

  • Plantar Fasciitis - Inflammation of the tendon in the arch of the foot
  • Stress Fractures - Often affecting the metatarsal
  • Achilles Tendinopathy - Often associated with runners, repetitive impact with the ground causes swelling and pain in the Achilles
  • Arthritis - Often affecting the joints in the toes, midfoot and ankle

How to Make a Foot Injury or Toe Injury Compensation Claim

If you have suffered a foot or toe injury in an accident caused by someone else, Sheldon Davidson Solicitors' team of Manchester Personal Injury Experts will handle every aspect of your foot injury compensation claim, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful claim and ensuring you are awarded the greatest amount of compensation possible for your foot or toe injury.

Sheldon Davidson Solicitors are foot injury claim specialists with expertise in settling a varied range of foot injury compensation claims, including both foot injury claims and toe injury compensation claims.

We are renowned for obtaining practical financial support for our clients, as well as arranging high-level medical care for them. To find out more about pursuing your foot injury compensation claim, contact our team or fill in our online claim form.