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By SheldonDavidsonSolicitors
A report from the British Medical Journal has indicated that the risk of death from non-emergency procedures is significantly higher towards the end of the week.
Research was conducted by Imperial College London on all elective procedures undertaken by the NHS in England between 2008 and 2011. This amounted to around four million operations, of which 27,000 resulted in deaths, showing that the overall mortality rate remains comparatively low.
However, there was evidence to suggest that the risk of death rises steadily throughout the week. Patients who underwent surgery on Friday were 44 per cent more likely to die within a month of their operation than those who were seen on a Monday, while for weekends the figure was 82 per cent.
While the research team could not pinpoint an exact cause for this, they were able to speculate that the findings could be due to a reduced quality aftercare towards the end of the week. Lead author of the study, Dr Paul Aylin, noted that the first 48 hours following a procedure were the most critical, and if the right staff were not available the potential was there for things to go wrong.
If you are unfortunate enough to see this happen to a family member, this report may reveal potential for a medical negligence case if it can be shown that the appropriate staff were not made available when needed. Any evidence that can highlight an unacceptably low quality of aftercare is likely to help your claim.
At Sheldon Davidson Solicitors, we have the skills and experience needed to handle your medical negligence claim. By looking at all aspects of your case, we will be able to see whether or not the standard of care from the hospital reached the required standards.
Once we have fully considered your Personal Injury Claim, we will advise you on its likely success and outline the process should you wish to proceed. Initially, we would attempt to reach a settlement with the hospital in question, but if this does not prove possible we can also represent you in court.
We will work hard to ensure you are compensated for this most distressing incident, and our Manchester Personal Injury Solicitors will be there to provide all the support you need to get through the case. Contact us today if you have any questions about a potential clinical negligence compensation claim.