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Our Hand Injury Compensation Guide can tell you how much compensation you can expect based on the severity of your injury. With SDS Solicitors, you can expect...
The hands and fingers are arguably the most used part or our bodies, so it comes as no surprise that they are also one of the most injured, accounting for more visits to the hospital than any other injury. The fact that they are the most injured part of the body means they are also the part of the body most commonly referenced in personal injury compensation claims.
Having full use of both hands is something the majority of us take for granted. From the moment we wake in the morning until we go to sleep at night our hands are in constant use. Any injury or impairment to the hands or fingers can have a significant impact on a person’s everyday life and their ability to perform simple tasks.
Hand and finger injuries can have lasting effects such as reduced grip strength, chronic pain, or an inability to use the hand altogether. Obviously, amputation, or the loss of use of one, or both hands is life-changing and such serious injuries will have a major impact on a person’s independence and ability to perform everyday tasks at home or work.
If you, a loved one or a friend have sustained a hand or finger injury due to the actions or inaction or another party or person, then you should seek the professional advice of one of the personal injury solicitors at Sheldon Davidson Solicitors. We can answer any questions you may have and help build the best possible compensation claim on your behalf, maximising the chances of success and ensuring you receive the greatest amount of compensation available to you and your loved ones.
Financial compensation awards are designed to reimburse you for costs you were forced to cover as a result of someone else’s negligence and to provide funds to restore you, as far as possible, to the person you were before the accident occurred. With this in mind, compensation can be used to cover the cost of things such as:
Although no amount of money can rid you of your injuries or the pain and suffering you have endured a financial compensation award can alleviate the financial burden and provide funding for access to the best care and support available.
Any financial settlement eventually awarded by the court is considerate of General Damages and Special Damages.
General Damages - Are intended to compensate for things such as pain, suffering and the expected, on-going impact on the injured person’s life.
Special Damages - Are designed to cover actual expenses incurred by the injured person
The figures provided below are indicative amounts for 'general damages' and should be used only as a guide. Since the circumstances of each accident and the subsequent injuries sustained in each case are unique, it is impossible to provide a definitive figure from the outset.
Loss of or loss of use of both hands £112,000 - £160,000
Loss of or loss of use of one hand £77,000 - £88,000
Injury to both hands (Serious) £44,500 - £67,500
Hand Injuries (From a minor hand injury to serious injury to one hand) £3,500 - £50,000
Amputation of multiple fingers £49,300 - £72,300
Fracture of a finger (From fracture of one finger to severe fractures of multiple fingers with the possibility of amputation) £3,790 - £29,290
Total loss of a finger (From loss of complete little finger to loss of complete index finger) £6,900 - £20,000
Partial Loss of a Finger (From loss of a section of the little finger to loss of the tip of the index finger) £3,200 - £14,900
Serious finger injury leading to a permanent impairment of grip £11,900 - £13,100
Loss of one thumb £28,500 - £44,000
Various Thumb Injuries (From minor temporary injury to serious injury with ongoing symptoms) £1,800 - £28,000
There is a myriad of ways in which someone can sustain an injury to their fingers and hands but some of the most common include:
Hand and finger injuries can vary in nature and severity but can generally be categorised into one of two groups, sudden injuries, sustained in a specific incident or overuse injuries, which develop over time.
Please note that personal injury claims involving sudden injuries have to be made within three years of the date of the indecent that caused the injury, whereas claims involving overuse injuries have to be made within three years of the date of diagnosis.
If you have suffered a hand injury or finger injury and there is undeniable third-party accountability, Sheldon Davidson Solicitors' team of Manchester Personal Injury Specialists will handle every aspect of your hand injury compensation claim, maximising the probabilities of a successful claim and ensuring you are awarded the maximum financial settlement available to you and your loved ones
Sheldon Davidson Solicitors are hand injury claim specialists with expertise in settling all manner of hand injury compensation claims, including injuries to any part of the hand as well as finger injury compensation claims.
We have a long-standing track record of obtaining practical financial support for our clients, as well as arranging high-level medical care where required. To find out more about pursuing your hand injury compensation claim, contact our team or fill in our online claim form.
I can honestly say that Victoria's help, support and guidance were a God send and truly welcome! I was able to reach an acceptable outcome. I would recommend SDS and Victoria in a heartbeat Mr M
I can honestly say that Victoria's help, support and guidance were a God send and truly welcome! I was able to reach an acceptable outcome. I would recommend SDS and Victoria in a heartbeat
Daniel Geller
Michael Haycock
Demi Davidson
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