Neck Injury Claims and Whiplash & Neck Injury Compensation Claims


Neck Injury Compensation Claims Value Calculator

Neck Injury Claims for Compensation are fairly common, with a large proportion attributed to neck injuries caused in road accidents. The most common type of neck injury in road accidents is referred to as whiplash, caused when the head is thrust back and then forth with great force, damaging the muscles, ligaments, and soft tissue in the neck. Whiplash injuries are the most common type of injury to result in a neck injury compensation claim.

Neck injuries can range from mild to extremely serious. Minor injuries tend to involve soft tissue damage in the neck and normally heal themselves with sufficient rest and time.

Even in minor neck injuries, the effects can be debilitating and long-lasting, impacting the individual’s quality of life during the recovery period. In serious neck injuries, the spinal cord can be crushed, partially severed, or even severed completely, causing life-changing injuries and in the most severe cases can result in paraplegia (permanent loss of use of the legs) or worse quadriplegia (permanent loss of use of both arms and legs).

If you have sustained a neck injury and you feel that the actions or inaction of someone else was to blame for your injury, then you should speak to one of the expert personal injury solicitors at Sheldon Davidson Solicitors for advice and assistance on making your neck injury compensation claim.

Neck Injury & Whiplash Compensation Claim Settlement Amounts

Compensation Guide

Severe neck Injury with paralysis or permanent disablement
£36,250 - £118,240

Serious neck injury with fracturing or damage to the discs
£52,400 - £104,350

Neck injury (Neck injuries with chronic life-long symptoms)
£36,250 - £44,600

Neck injury (Neck injuries with partial recovery)
£19,900 - £30,700

Neck Injury (Spondylosis, limited movement, and recurring pain)
£10,950 - £19,900

Neck injury (Resulting in secondary issues or the worsening of existing conditions)
£6,300 - £10,950

Neck Injury (Complete recovery in under 2 years)
£3,450 - £6,300

(*New Fixed Tariffs apply for RTA Soft-tissue injury Compensation Claims after 01/06/21) - see below

Types of Neck Injury

Neck injuries can vary in nature and severity, with some causing short term pain and inconvenience, whilst others can have catastrophic life-changing consequences.

Below are some common types of neck injury:

Damage of the spinal cord - This can include damage to the spinal cord when vertebrae and discs become crushed or pushed out of alignment, causing the spinal cord to be pinched and damaged. Immensely painful and depending on the severity of the damage, can have devastating consequences for the victim.

Cervical Spine Fracture - Often occurring as a result of a road traffic accident this kind of trauma is potentially profoundly serious. A neck fracture can cause paralysis and can even be fatal. The symptoms can include extreme pain, swelling, and a loss of sensation in your legs and arms.

Cervical Dislocation - A cervical dislocation is an injury to the cervical spine causing two or more of the vertebrae to become abnormally separated, resulting in damage to the ligaments in the neck and intense pain. It is vital that the individual is stabilised prior to being moved as failure to do so can result in further, potentially even more serious injury.

Cervical Herniated Disc - This type of neck injury occurs when the soft material inside the disc, known as the nucleus, is forced out of a weakness in the surrounding material, known as the annulus. This gel-like material then touches or pushes on a spinal nerve, causing irritation and swelling of the nerve. This then leads to pain and a tingling sensation that radiates down your arm and sometimes into your hand.

Whiplash - Mostly caused in road traffic accidents involving an impact from behind but can also occur in sporting accidents and falls. This type of injury involves damage to the soft tissues in the neck and occurs when the head is thrust backwards, causing hyperextension, and is subsequently thrust forwards, causing damage to the muscles and ligaments in the neck.

Compensation Guide

RTA Soft Tissue Injury Compensation Values: Claims made after 1/6/21

New Fixed Tariff for RTA Soft Tissue Compensation Settlement Values:

Duration of injury   
Compensation Amounts
Regulation 2(1)(a) 
Injury Inc.
Not more than 3 months    £240   £260
More than 3 months, but not more than 6 months    £495   £520
More than 6 months, but not more than 9 months    £840   £895
More than 9 months, but not more than 12 months    £1,320   £1,390
More than 12 months, but not more than 15 months    £2,040   £2,125
More than 15 months, but not more than 18 months    £3,005   £3,100
More than 18 months, but not more than 24 months    £4,215   £4,345

Your claim could be significantly higher in value than the tariffs shown above - where you have suffered a further non-soft tissue injury

How could compensation help you?

Clearly, if you have suffered a serious and life-changing neck injury your priority is your physical and emotional well-being and although it is clear that no amount of money can ever truly compensate for your pain and suffering it can go a long way to aiding your recovery journey.

Undoubtedly such injuries carry a significant financial burden, not least in terms of medical and treatment costs, but the impact of lost earnings can be huge, and this can be detrimental not only for you but also for family members who may be dependent on you.

The sum awarded for any injury is considerate of the impact on the person’s life in terms of actual expenses incurred and it is also intended to give you access to treatment or equipment you may need to restore you to the person you were before the accident or to help you to adjust both mentally and physically to the life changes necessary as a result of your injuries.

The types of thing your compensation can help with include:

  • Rehabilitation - Physiotherapy, psychological support, occupational therapy, etc
  • Adaptations to the home - Doors may need to be widened for wheelchairs, or the kitchen or bathroom may need adapting for the victim’s change in circumstances
  • Care provision in the home - Ongoing medical care once the victim leaves the hospital
  • Specialist treatment that is not available on the NHS
  • Daily living aids and mobility equipment

Some indicative compensation figures are provided below, but due to the unique nature of each case, these figures are intended as a guide only.

Any financial compensation awarded is comprised of two types of damages:

General Damages: This figure relates to the injury itself and is awarded to compensate the victim for the pain and suffering endured and the loss of amenity suffered.

Special Damages: This figure is always unique with each claim and is calculated to cover any injury-related costs already incurred and those likely to be incurred in the future, as well and compensating the victim for historic and future loss of earnings.

Common Causes of Neck Injuries

The most common cause of neck injury is road traffic accidents, often involving a collision from behind, but other common causes include

  • Sporting injuries - Motorsports, skiing, horse riding, gymnastics, and combat sports like boxing.
  • Trips, slips, and falls - Awkward landings or falls from height can damage the neck and even cause whiplash
  • Medical negligence - Movement of a patient with a cervical dislocation can have serious consequences, including potential damage to the spinal cord.
  • Surgical negligence - Substandard surgical procedures leading to damage to the spinal cord.
  • Accidents at work - Can involve heavy objects falling from height and striking the victim on the head, causing neck injuries
  • Heavy Lifting - Poor lifting posture can injure the back and neck
  • Assault - A heavy impact on the head with a weapon or fist can injure the neck, as can a violent shove in the back.

Effects & Symptoms of Neck Injuries

Any type of neck injury no matter how mild or severe will render a person immobile for a period of time. In the case of most minor and moderate neck injuries, rest and immobility are the best routes to recovery. For example, a mild whiplash injury will normally take just a number of weeks to heal, given the right care and treatment plan. That said, even relatively minor neck injuries may result in the victim experiencing recurring symptoms for some time afterwards.

These symptoms could include:

  • Chronic pain
  • Stiffness
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Weakness in the limbs
  • Pins and Needles
  • Reduced Mobility
  • Dizziness

Obviously, in severe cases where the spinal cord is permanently damaged and paralysis occurs, a full recovery is impossible, and care and treatment plans are required to support the injured person to adjust and live as independent a life as possible. Evidently, there is a huge financial cost involved with such cases and this will be reflected in the compensation figures awarded for these types of a neck injury.

How to Make a Neck Injury Compensation Claim

If you have sustained a neck injury as a consequence of somebody else’s actions or negligence, Sheldon Davidson Solicitors' team of personal injury specialists in Manchester will handle all the details of your neck injury compensation claim, ensuring you are awarded the maximum financial settlement available to you.

Sheldon Davidson Solicitors are neck injury claim experts with vast experience in settling a broad and varied range of neck injury compensation claims.

We have a long track record of obtaining practical financial support and the best medical care for our clients. To find out more about pursuing your neck injury compensation claim, contact our personal injury claims team using the phone number at the top of this page, or fill in our online claim form