Back Injury Claims & Spinal Injury Compensation


Spinal Injury Compensation Claims & Back Injury Compensation Calculator for Claim Settlement Values

Claiming compensation for back injuries is commonplace, with many back injuries being sustained in the workplace or as a consequence of a road traffic accident. Back injury compensation claims can be complex, especially those involving spinal injuries because of the long-term effect on the victim’s independence and quality of life.

The spine runs from the base of the skull, down the length of the back to the pelvis. It contains the spinal cord, which is a long, fragile structure of nerves that carry vital messages between the brain and the rest of the body to stimulate movement and sensory function, so any damage sustained to the spinal cord can cause life-changing injuries.

Whilst spinal injuries can have dire consequences, even minor back injuries can have long-lasting effects that compromise the victim’s ability to lead a normal active life, restricting their movement and having an effect on the psychological well-being of the individual.

Although most injuries are immediate and the result of an accident, others are progressive and develop over time, for example in the workplace as a result of working conditions, or incorrect body positioning when lifting heavy objects. Since every employer is duty-bound to safeguard the health of every employee, any injury that can be attributed to working conditions or practices means that the employer is negligent and therefore liable to pay compensation to the injured person.

If you, a friend, or a colleague have sustained a back injury and feel that the injury was acquired as a result of the negligence of someone else, then you should speak to one of the personal injury claim experts at Sheldon Davidson Solicitors for advice and assistance on making your back injury compensation claim.

Back Injury Compensation & Spinal Injury Claim Compensation Settlement Amounts

Compensation Guide

Back Injury (Very Severe) - Spinal Cord Damage
£72,620 - £128,350

Back Injury (Severe) - Serious injury with permanent symptoms
£59,100 - £70,500

Back Injury (Severe) - Continual permanent symptoms
£30,900 - £55,600

Back Injury (Serious) - Less severe symptoms
£22,150 - £30,900

Back Injury (Serious) - Damage to discs or ligament plus permanent symptoms
£9,950 - £22,150

Back Injury (Moderate) - Complete or near-complete recover in under 5 years
£6,300 - £9,950

Back Injury (Moderate) - Complete recovery in under 2 years
£1,960 - £6,300

Back Injury (Minor) - Complete recovery in under 3 months
Up tp £1,960

How could Back Injury Compensation or Spinal Injury Compensation help you?

The financial compensation awarded for your back injury claim could help alleviate the financial burden of being unable to work and also give you access to specialist treatment not normally available on the NHS. It could also help pay for:

  • Any adaptations to your home
  • Transport that may make everyday living easier, i.e. taxis to appointments
  • Essential equipment, such as wheelchairs, hoists, or electric beds
  • Professional care in the home - Freeing up family members to be able to return to work.
  • Rehabilitation - Physios, Occupational Therapists, Chiropractors

Any financial compensation awarded is comprised of two types of damages:

General Damages: The sum awarded in recompense for the pain and suffering endured and the loss of amenity suffered.

Special Damages: Awarded to cover historic and future loss of earnings, along with covering any financial costs incurred.

Some indicative sums are provided below, but since each case is unique it is not possible to provide a definitive figure upfront. Normally the more severe and life-changing the back injury suffered, the higher the sum awarded by the court.

Types of Back Injury

Whilst injuries to the back or spine can be serious, injuries to the Spinal Cord can be devastating and severely life-limiting as they can impact mobility and a person’s ability to control vital bodily functions, such as the bowel or bladder.

All types of Spinal Cord injuries fall into one of two categories:

Complete Injuries: This is an injury where the spinal cord has been completely severed, causing total loss of function below the injury site. This includes injuries such as tetraplegia, quadriplegia, and paraplegia.

Incomplete Injuries: This is an injury where the spinal cord has been damaged, rather than severed. The victim may retain some function below the injury site, with the possibility of recovering some motor and sensory function.  

Less serious, although still extremely painful and debilitating can be when there is a compression of the lumbar vertebrae, or when one of the bones in the spine moves out of place. This is also known as Spondylolisthesis.

Soft-tissue injuries, such as sprains and strains and herniated, or “slipped discs” as they are often referred to, are considered less serious and tend to come about as a result of incorrect body positioning when lifting heavy objects.

Common Causes of Back Injury

Whilst there are many things that can result in a back injury, the most common causes include:

  • Road Traffic Accidents - Responsible for many of the more serious back injuries, including spinal injuries.
  • Falls from Height - The severity and nature of the injury is normally dictated by the height of the fall and the way in which the individual lands but could result in very severe back injuries or even spinal injury
  • Slips and Trips - Again, the way in which the individual lands can determine the type of injury but in most cases, recovery will come with time.
  • Heavy Lifting - Common cause of injuries, either due to poor lifting posture or lifting excess weights and can lead to herniated discs or soft-tissue injuries.
  • Workplace Injuries- Responsible for a large number of minor and moderate back injuries, resulting from lack of manual handling training, poor posture whilst working, or a variety of work accidents
  • Sports Injuries - Can vary in nature and severity, with the more severe back injuries resulting from sports like horse riding, rugby, skiing, and motorsports.
  • Medical Negligence - Caused by sub-standard medical care.

Effects of Back and Spinal Injuries

For any type of back injury, likely to render a person immobile for some time, fortunately, resting the back is the best route to recovery with many minor and moderate back injuries, although this can often take a considerable length of time. With more serious injuries, where the spinal cord has also been damaged or even severed a person may suffer permanent complications such as paralysis and impairment of some bodily functions.

Other effects could include:

  • Persistent or recurring pain
  • Psychological issues such as depression
  • Loss of independence
  • Reduced mobility
  • Scarring and disfigurement, sometimes due to the accident but also as a result of surgery
  • Persistent bladder and bowel problems
  • Problems with sexual function

How to make a Back Injury Compensation Claim

If you have suffered a back injury and you feel there is third-party culpability, Sheldon Davidson Solicitors' team personal injury solicitors in Manchester will handle all aspects of your back injury compensation claim, ensuring you are awarded the financial settlement you and your family deserve.

Sheldon Davidson Solicitors have an experienced team of specialist Spinal injury solicitors. We have a strong record of obtaining practical financial support and high-quality medical care for our clients. To find out more about pursuing your back injury compensation claim, contact our team or fill in our online claim form.